Join us live on October 28 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in Santa Fe, New Mexico at 3 Avenida de Melodia • All Genders Welcome • Register Below

Welcome to Moon Temple

Moon Temple is a space for coming home to ourselves, greeting our shadows, and receiving illumination by the light of the moon. Inside of Moon Temple, we engage ceremony to explore the gifts of death, birth, change, and initiation and how these sacred rites of human development exist to continuously call more deeply us into our true nature.

The moon teaches us that these rites come to us in cycles. There is no linear path to perfection. We ebb in and out of our psychic grooves. We learn to heal and complete patterns through receiving, ritual, and repetition. We walk in soft spirals through this life while greeting ourselves, our gifts, our light, and our shadows again and again and again. Moon Temple is a time to receive ourselves with grace and gratitude, acknowledging and integrating the aspects of ourselves that long to witnessed, liberated into new expressions, and called back home into belonging, resource, and resonance.

Join us live on October 28 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
in Santa Fe, New Mexico at 3 Avenida de Melodia

Register below.

What We’ll Explore on October 28

Weaving the Hunter Moon

October’s Taurus Hunter Moon is a time to explore the shadow of malnourishment / overnourishment in our souls, our relationships, our relationship with resource, and inside of our cultural norms. What does it look like to advocate for being fed? For meeting our most basic needs in our bellies, our relationships, and with money? What does it look like to share well? To not overttake from each other in expressions of co-dependency and assumption? Is it possible to strike a balance here? To attune the instinctual nature to what feels like regenerative relationship with resource, nourishment, and abundance?


  • Engaging Our Stories of Scarcity + Abundance

  • Receiving, Reciprocity, and the Honorable Harvest

  • Attuning the Instinct and Weaving Trust with the Wild Animal Body

  • Transmuting Ancestral Relationships with Power, Resource, and Privilege

  • Transmuting Agreements with Poverty, Slavery, and Indentured Servitude

  • Healing through Pleasure, Play, Nourishment, and Rest

What to Expect

  • We’ll begin at 6:00 p.m. and open in meditation + invocation.

  • You’ll be guided through a warm small group introduction.

  • The group will be asked questions to consider and reflect on.

  • You’ll be guided through a movement and orientation practice.

  • You’ll be guided through a releasing protocol.

  • We’ll close in quiet meditation + gentle reflection.

What to Bring

  • A small pillow to sit on.

  • Plenty of water to drink.

  • A journal to write reflections in.

  • Wear comfy, breathable clothes.

  • A small offering for the altar.

About Kinspirit

Kinspirit is an emergent spiritual + creative collective based on the unceded lands of the Tewa peoples of Northern New Mexico in Santa Fe. We are dedicated to the work of bridging the gap between the every day and the sacred, leaving our descendants with legacies of wholeness, and storying our way through great change.

At the moment, we’re doing this through hosting gatherings, study groups, and conversations that peel back the layers of cultural zeitgeist and invite our standards of possibility forward.

Inside of Kinspirit, we're committed to the work of getting low to the Earth, putting our hands in the cultural soil, and calling forth new realities into our individual and collective futures. We are committed to the work of noticing how even the most subtle shifts in ourselves and in the culture can create such powerful outcomes that bloom into systemic change.

Learn more about upcoming events and our weekly podcast here.